Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Instant pot burrito bowls

Chicken tenderloin
Salsa-1/2 c depending on taste
Onion-1 medium chopped
Garlic-2 tsp minced or 1 clove
Cumin- 1 1/2 tsp
Chili powder- 1 TB
Oil-2 TB coconut oil
Black beans-1 can rinsed
Chicken broth-1/4 c. Or 1/2 c water and 2 tsp. Bouillon
Instant Brown Rice-1 Cup

1.  Hit the saute button on the IP.  Melt the coconut oil and add the onion.  After it has cooked a little, add the garlic.  Add in the seasonings (cumin and chili).  Mix around
2.  Add the broth and get the stuff off the bottom of the pan.
3.  Add the frozen tenderloins.
Click off the saute and hit manual for 8 minutes.
Let it slow release.   Shred chicken if needed.
4.  Mix in 1 cup of rice and black beans.  Put in for 5 minutes.  Slow release for 4 minutes and then quick release.  I added a little extra salsa at the end.

Serve on tortillas or on a salad.  Garnish with cheese, sour cream and a squeeze of lime.

*this was perfect for an E meal in THM.  I added about 5 pieces of shredded cheese, a garnish amount, so it stayed well I  the E range.  I ate these on carb smart tortillas.

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